Inbound observations of Charon, using correct I/F photometric calculations. LORRI FOV shown in red.
Martian system with Phobos and Deimos orbits shown, from orbit, using Spherical Projection. Lit face of Mars is to left.
Scan across Pluto (including downtrack error) using LEISA. Created with Footprints mode.
Scan across Pluto near C/A. MVIC is aligned with Pluto orbit normal (grey oval, and blue + signs), using Roll Angle = 0 deg from Orbit Normal. Shaded black-yellow line indicates Pluto terminator.
Pluto system two days before C/A. Blue/grey bars indicate orbit-normal planes for each body, displayed using Downtrack Error = 1000 seconds. This error is far larger than expected; we use it here just as a way to visualize the orbit-normal planes.
MVIC scan axis is aligned with Pluto orbit normal.
Crescent Moon as seen from Earth.
Cool trick: to see the Moon (or any object) as it is right now, just leave the Start Time entry blank, and GV will use the current actual time.
Composition map of Pluto at C/A; Anti-Charon longitude and terminator are marked. Set Surface Style = Composition.
Search for Juno-Alice stellar occultations at Jupiter. Jovian ring is marked, as is the terminator. Stars are from the HD catalog, with IDs, spectral types, and magnitudes marked. Because Alice is a UV instrument, only UV-bright stars are marked, by searching for 'OB' in the Stellar Type Filter.
Observations of the ecliptic coming into view with LRO-Alice orbit around the Moon. Terminator is marked. Moon is properly projected as it appears from low orbit.
Asteroid Lutetia plotted using its 3D shape, defined in a SPICE DSK (digital shape kernel).
Planning Callisto observations with LEISA near Jupiter C/A.
Planning Pluto solar occultation with ALICE, soon after C/A. Two timesteps show Pluto position just before and just after occultation.
Planning a LORRI calibration observation using stars from HD catalog.
Planning an MVIC scan across the M6/M7 star field.
Observation of the motion of Saturn across the sky, using multiple timesteps. Note the label that pops up when the cursor is on Saturn.