Quicktime movie, 8 MB
Rosetta approaching comet 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko.
This uses a Digital Shape Kernel (DSK) for the comet.
Quicktime movie, 1 MB
NH LEISA observations; movie by Allen Lunsford.
Pointing information is based on output from NHOps from an actual sequenced observation, and fed to GV. The movie is composed of several hundred individual frames; the FOV is drawn for times when LEISA is observing.
MPEG movie, 8 MB
Jupiter encounter (2 weeks surrounding C/A); movie by H. Throop. Cool!
The S/C is pointed at Jupiter for the entire time (i.e., fixed FOVs). This gives a good view of the Jupiter system as the satellites orbit, and as Jupiter occults hundreds of stars.
MPEG movie, 17 MB
Jupiter encounter (2 months surrounding C/A); movie by H. Throop.
Similar to above, but a longer duration.
MPEG movie, 5 MB
Pluto-Charon 1987 mutual events, as seen from Earth.